Autel MaxiIM IM608 VS MaxiIM IM508 VS Auro OtoSys IM600 VS IM100

Autel factory combine engineer make a comparison table about Autel MaxiIM IM608 VSAutel MaxiIM IM508 VS Auro OtoSys IM600 VS Auro OtoSys IM100. They can compare with each other in the aspects of IMMO (key programming, key learning, pin code read etc.), programming, OE-Level diagnosis, Advanced Service Functions, configurations etc.

Here we go for details:
Product Autel MaxiIMIM508 Autel MaxiIMIM608 AuroOtoSys IM100 AuroOtoSys IM600
Image  2.1  2.2  2.3  2.4

Smart Mode (Guided and Automated Key Learning Function)
Expert Mode (Advanced key Learning)

Auto Detect Make/Model/Year/System


Read PIN/CS (All Keys Lost)
Key Generation

Key Learning
IMMO ECU Reset/Adaption
IMMO ECU Refresh/Coding
Remote Learning
Backup /Restore IMMO Data

AUDI Q5/A4/A5 2015-2017 Read PIN/CS

BMW FEM/BDC Key Learning and Adaption

Mercedes Key Learning

Benz 3rd Generation IMMO Add key, all key lost, key Learning N/A
